TQI Class Registration

Select your class location:

Thursdays, 12:01AM to 11:59PM PST (Class On012325)
Online, the comfort of your home
Dates: starting January 23, 2025 (1/23, 1/30, 2/6, 2/13, 2/20)
Sundays, 12:01AM to 11:59PM PST (Class On012625)
Online, the comfort of your home
Dates: starting January 26, 2025 (1/26, 2/2, 2/9, 2/16, 2/23)
Tuesdays, 12:01AM to 11:59PM PST (Class On012825)
Online, the comfort of your home
Dates: starting January 28, 2025 (1/28, 2/4, 2/11, 2/18, 2/25)

Are you taking this as a couple?

Have you taken Kathy's TQI Diet Class before?

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Students are not required to have The Abascal Way book in order to take the class and the book is NOT included in the basic class fee, but it is highly recommended. First-Time students have a ONE-TIME opportunity to buy The Abascal Way book set at the discounted price of $20 (suggested retail price $39.95).This price includes postage and sales tax. The books will be mailed shortly before the first class.

Do you wish to buy the books?

Yes - I wish to buy The Abascal Way book set                     
No - I do not wish to buy The Abascal Way book set
Please read and check the box next to the following terms of service(s), then click on Paypal button at bottom:

Pay For Your Class